Reaction Details
Reaction: Thumb
(R)-S-lactoylglutathione + H2O → glutathione + (R)-lactate + H+
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PseudoCyc Reaction ID:GLYOXII-RXN
  • RACKER E (1952). "Spectrophotometric measurements of the metabolic formation and degradation of thiol esters and enediol compounds." Biochim Biophys Acta 9(5);577-8. PMID: 13032160
  • Uotila L (1973). "Preparation and assay of glutathione thiol esters. Survey of human liver glutathione thiol esterases." Biochemistry 12(20);3938-43. PMID: 4200890
  • Uotila L (1973). "Purification and characterization of S-2-hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase (glyoxalase II) from human liver." Biochemistry 12(20);3944-51. PMID: 4745654