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adenosylcobinamide + ATP → adenosyl-cobinamide phosphate + ADP + H+
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  • O'Toole GA, Escalante-Semerena JC (1995). "Purification and characterization of the bifunctional CobU enzyme of Salmonella typhimurium LT2. Evidence for a CobU-GMP intermediate." J Biol Chem 270(40);23560-9. PMID: 7559521
  • Thomas MG, Thompson TB, Rayment I, Escalante-Semerena JC (2000). "Analysis of the adenosylcobinamide kinase/adenosylcobinamide-phosphate guanylyltransferase (CobU) enzyme of Salmonella typhimurium LT2. Identification of residue His-46 as the site of guanylylation." J Biol Chem 275(36);27576-86. PMID: 10869342
  • Thompson TB, Thomas MG, Escalante-Semerena JC, Rayment I (1998). "Three-dimensional structure of adenosylcobinamide kinase/adenosylcobinamide phosphate guanylyltransferase from Salmonella typhimurium determined to 2.3 A resolution,." Biochemistry 37(21);7686-95. PMID: 9601028
  • Thompson TB, Thomas MG, Escalante-Semerena JC, Rayment I (1999). "Three-dimensional structure of adenosylcobinamide kinase/adenosylcobinamide phosphate guanylyltransferase (CobU) complexed with GMP: evidence for a substrate-induced transferase active site." Biochemistry 38(40);12995-3005. PMID: 10529169
  • Warren MJ, Raux E, Schubert HL, Escalante-Semerena JC (2002). "The biosynthesis of adenosylcobalamin (vitamin B12)." Nat Prod Rep 19(4);390-412. PMID: 12195810